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*** Extraordinary maintenance and issued items removal ***

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*** Extraordinary maintenance and issued items removal *** Empty *** Extraordinary maintenance and issued items removal ***

Message  jaykill Mar 20 Mai 2008, 11:53

During the process to identify and fix the problem with Eversun map we have the necessity to remove from the game some apparently issued items. In order to do so the servers are currently under extraordinary maintenance and should be back online in about an hour.

These items will be removed both from the shop and from characters storage:

* Green Def Enchantment Scroll
* Blue Def Enchantment Scroll
* Orange Def Enchantment Scroll
* Green M.Def Enchantment Scroll
* Blue M.Def Enchantment Scroll
* Orange M.Def Enchantment Scroll

For those of you possessing one or more of these items we will provide a refund of the lost Kash.

No need to say that we strongly apologise for this inconvenience.
Rêveur de jade

Messages : 266
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2008

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