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***Kash Shop Perma Item - Update May the 21th***

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***Kash Shop Perma Item - Update May the 21th*** Empty ***Kash Shop Perma Item - Update May the 21th***

Message  jaykill Mar 20 Mai 2008, 16:28

From May the 21st the Kash Shop will sell for a whole week (until May the 28th):

Nicole's Wings (permanent)
Seth's Sword (permanent)
Fire Mask (permanent)

From the 21st, also, the Coco Pupu and Wild Pupu Goodie Bag will give you the chance to find the following item while the new unisex Flying Pupu Goodie Bag will enter the shop:

Wild Pupu Goodie Bag (suggested for male characters)

Black Kimono Costume - male (permanent)
Blue Butterfly Wings (permanent)
Metal Mask (30days)
Candy Floss Pattern Hat (30days)
Baby Bonus Booster Badge (7days)
Green Weapon Upgrade Ticket (15)
Blue Weapon Upgrade Ticket (10)
Orange Weapon Improvement Scroll (10)
Green Weapon Upgrade Book (3)
Blue Weapon Upgrade Book (3)
Orange Weapon Upgrade Book (2)
Weapon Mallet I (10)
Dual Weapon Mallet I (5)
Scrapper's Scroll I
Scrapper's Scroll I (2)
Attack Speed Pill (20)
Hair Dye No. 5 (Blue)
Hair Dye No. 4 (Crimson)
Hair Dye No. 2 (Grass Green)
Scapegoat Doll (2)
Reanimalator (2)

Coco Pupu Goodie Bag (suggested for female characters)

Scarlet Kimono Costume - female (permanent)
Red Butterfly Wings (permanent)
Water Mask (30days)
Watermelon Pattern Hat (30days)
Baby Bonus Booster Badge (7days)
Green Weapon Upgrade Ticket (15)
Blue Weapon Upgrade Ticket (10)
Orange Weapon Improvement Scroll (10)
Green Weapon Upgrade Book (3)
Blue Weapon Upgrade Book (3)
Orange Weapon Upgrade Book (2)
Weapon Mallet II (10)
Dual Weapon Mallet II (5)
Scrapper's Scroll I
Scrapper's Scroll I (2)
Gale Pill (20)
Hair Dye No. 3 (Light Yellow)
Hair Dye No. 1 (Brown)
Hair Dye No. 6 (Violet)
Scapegoat Doll (2)
Reanimalator (2)

Flying Pupu Goodie Bag (unisex)

Holy Cross Costume (permanent)
Heaven's Eye Mask (permanent)
Flying Pupu Wings (30days)
White Butterfly Ribbon (30days)
Baby Big Bonus Badge (7days)
Green Magic Upgrade Ticket (15)
Blue Magic Upgrade Ticket (10)
Orange Magic Improvement Scroll (10)
Green Magic Upgrade Book (3)
Blue Magic Upgrade Book (3)
Orange Weapon Upgrade Book (2)
Mongrel Magic (3)
Armor Mallet IV (10)
Dual Armor Mallet IV (5)
Scrapper's Scroll I
Scrapper's Scroll I (2)
Shorty Pill (20)
Hair Dye No. 8 (Black)
Scapegoat Doll (2)
Reanimalator (2)

It means that these versions of the Goodie Bags will be available until June the 11th and that that day to June the 18th the six permanent (Black and Scarlet Kimono, Blue and Red Butterfly Wings, Holy Cross costume and Heaven's Eye Mask) will be sold in the Kash Shop. For more information check the introduction thread HERE

Cya beyond the Mirror!
Lord Malbet
Rêveur de jade

Messages : 266
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2008

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***Kash Shop Perma Item - Update May the 21th*** Empty Re: ***Kash Shop Perma Item - Update May the 21th***

Message  Gaianne / Teanne Mer 21 Mai 2008, 14:48

(huhu reanimalator :p joli jeu de mot !)

Gaianne / Teanne
Rêveur de jade

Messages : 164
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007

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