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MAJ du 24juin09

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MAJ du 24juin09 Empty MAJ du 24juin09

Message  HammerJoe Mer 01 Juil 2009, 20:57

Great new features for DOMO fans!

This time DOMO is featuring the new Title System enabling players to get additional attributes when gaining a new title!

Moreover, those who are interested in learning the new professional Refining Skills should talk to Taoist Master Cinglu in BigBeam City…

Also, DOMO fans should visit the game item shop to try the brand new items:

* new Transform Boxes to change race: players can try the Human, Sylph, Felin, Sprite versions or have the Racial Transform Box which lets them decide what race they would like to turn into. All the Transform Boxes are available in 1 day/7days/30 days versions
* Gold and Orange Value Transfer Charm Papers to transfer stats from weapon or armor to another item
* new ornamental pet White Sheep (permanent)
* crazy Meow Meow Hat

Fabulous new goodie bags are available in the item shop for players to try their luck:

* Golden Weapon goodie bag, including many powerful golden weapons!
* Pirate Costume Goodie Bag, including Pirate Hat and Pirate Costume (15 days, 45 days and permanent) and Platinum Goodie Bag!

Finally... IMMINENT INVASION! Please read this:


The White Tiger General with his powerful forces is about to launch an assault to Big Beam City tomorrow evening. His army will be there around 20 CET*. We ask for the help of any fighter willing to join the battle!

Please, check the forum for more information: http://forum.gametribe.com/showthread.php?t=16936

Have fun!

GameTribe Team
Sage rêveur

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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MAJ du 24juin09 Empty Re: MAJ du 24juin09

Message  HammerJoe Mer 01 Juil 2009, 21:06

l'invasion a bien eu lieu et ce fut de sacrées batailles.
Il semble que BigBeam soit d'abord tombé, mais ensuite l'invasion d'eversun a été repoussé et d'ailleurs nous avons pu voir notre ami Topoi s'y illustrer. Les magic lion étaient impressionnant ^^
Sage rêveur

Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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