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Soul Gem System - MAJ 01/07/2009

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Soul Gem System - MAJ 01/07/2009 Empty Soul Gem System - MAJ 01/07/2009

Message  HammerJoe Mer 01 Juil 2009, 21:08

Here is the Soul Gem System!

The brand new Soul Gem System has arrived in DOMO!

You will be able to collect Nimbuses from defeated demonic monsters using the special Nimbus Gathering Gem (now available in the game shop). When you have collected enough Nimbuses, you can talk to the 5 Member Zhu Merchants located in BigBeam city (near the Vlanding pad) and exchange the Nimbuses for some rare items.

Also, the game shop is now featuring new items:

* Mini Rings! Available in four versions:
o Mini Ring of Defense, +5% defense
o Mini Ring of Attack, + 5% attack
o Mini Ring of Magic Defense, +5% magic defense
o Mini Ring of Magic Attack, +5% magic attack
* Ring of Metal Defense, +50 metal defense
* Super Greedy Pack: it permanently adds 5 inventory slots. It can be used up to 3 times, adding a total of 15 slots.
* New Special Riding Pet goodie bag, including Dairy Pu Mama and Premier PuPu

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Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
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