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Sprites Empty Sprites

Message  Prunelle Dim 20 Déc 2009, 16:18

Dans ce monde aussi, il y a des sprites
décidément !

ce sont de petites bestioles qui accompagnent les personnages, ils vivent dans un petit cottage (vraiment très petit par rapport à celui de domo). On doit s'occuper d'eux : leur parler, aménager le cottage, et éventuellement les habiller.
En contrepartie, ils s'occupent de la récolte : mining, hunting, foraging, du recyclage des objets, de l'artisanat et de l'alchimie.
D'ailleurs, je n'ai pas du tout compris comment fonctionne l'alchimie.

Quand ils sont de bonne humeur, ils peuvent aussi accompagner le personnage et s'occuper de ramasser les restes des monstres morts.

Chaque personnage peut avoir trois sprites, il y a le sprite principale que l'on a à la création du perso. On peut le personnaliser et lui donner un nom.
On peut avoir des sprites secondaires, mais si j'ai bien compris, ils seront pour une durée limitée et lorsqu'ils auront atteint leur niveau maximum, il faudra les laisser retourner à la nature, et obtenir de la réputation en échange.

Pour le sprite principal, attention au choix, il faut le prendre en fonction de sa classe afin qu'il fasse les objets dont on a besoin.

Dernière édition par Violine le Sam 02 Jan 2010, 14:33, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Prunelle Dim 20 Déc 2009, 19:52

Infos sur les sprites :
Grand Fantasia Wiki
Sprite's Beginner Guide
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Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  HammerJoe Mer 30 Déc 2009, 23:58

pffff ces sprites la sont vraiment d'humeur changeantes....
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Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Ryutaro Jeu 31 Déc 2009, 00:02

...et c'est vraiment casse pied par moment. Mad
Rêveur de jade

Messages : 69
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2008
Age : 42

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  HammerJoe Jeu 31 Déc 2009, 00:04

C'est clair et quand ils se mettent à te faire franchement la tronche tu peux plus rien leur dire......
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Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Prunelle Jeu 31 Déc 2009, 00:18

un sprite et ça repart !
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Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  HammerJoe Jeu 31 Déc 2009, 00:31

ouais ben des fois ça pique le nez.... Razz
(d'ailleurs on peut leur donner du soda pour améliorer leur humeur....quand on y pense ^^)
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Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Ryutaro Jeu 31 Déc 2009, 00:42

Ouais ben vu le prix du soda... ça fait cher la réconciliation ! Laughing
Rêveur de jade

Messages : 69
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2008
Age : 42

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Prunelle Lun 11 Jan 2010, 22:27

The sprites can be your best friends or your worse enemy in the world of Grand Fantasia. In the game they act as the tradeskill system, pet system and money sink rolled into one. Sprite depends a lot on your attention and care in order to be happy and successful. This guide will attempt to de-mystify some facts about sprites and things about them that you may or may not know.

My sprite is unhappy what should I do ?
- A sprite mood changes depends on a number of things. How successful they are in crafting and harvesting. The more successful they are the better their mood becomes. The more times they fail the faster their mood sours. There is a huge random factor in this. If your sprite is unahppy or neutral mood (with the green wide eye stare) you can talk to them and it has a chance to bring them back to the happy mood. This may not work at all times as there seem to be some sort of internal chance rolling that happens to see if the mood improves. You may try spamming talk a few times but sometimes it work sometimes it doesn't. Also good or bad random events can drastically change the mood of your sprite and change the sprite's relationship level with you. If you want a quick fix, the sprite vendor sells sprite candies that elevates the mood by one level for 45 silvers (pretty expensive for beginners). If your sprite's mood is bad there's an even bigger chance they can fail their activities which means they get even more depressed. Make sure a sprite is in a positive mood (normal, happy or elate) before attempting to craft or harvest something or there is a big chance it will fail. Your sprite having low energy will also affect's it's mood. Having too low energy and the sprite will outright refuse to do anything until it has rested for a bit.

What happens if my sprite is too unhappy with me?
- It will run away if it has enough of you. If that happens your sprite will be unavailable to you for around 15-20 minutes. But it will eventually come back but you will lose a chunk of reputation with the Sprite Messanger faction (important later in the game). Your first sprite will take far more abuse from you than other sprites you call into service.

Will my sprite fight with me ?
- No, not really. They are a type of "support pet" that means if you summon them into the world they will have buffs that gives you bonus (depending on what type of emblem they have on them). Each sprite have 2 slots of sprite emblem that they can wear. The buff will affect you as long as you have your sprite out but it cost energy/stamina for having your sprite out. Your sprite will also automatically loot things for you. Once a sprite has used the emblem you cannot take it off them but can be replaced with another of the same or higher level. You cannot place a lower level emblem to overwrite a higher level one.

Any tips for keeping my sprite happy ?
- Yes, keep them working. Sprite that are idle for too long will have their mood and relationship with you decay. I've tested it by having one sprite idle for a whole day and there is a major drop in mood and relationship levels. This means... don't afk online for too long. Keeping your sprite active creates a happy sprite because their activities generates happiness points as well as more chance of having positive events that increases relationships.

How do I keep my relationship with my sprite high?
- Keep their moods happy and keep them active. Keep it working. Remember a successful sprite is a happy sprite. But sometimes even the happiest of sprite will have some disaster befall on them, if that happens just buy a sprite candy and keep the mood up (yes it's expensive but also a quick fix), another is to talk to them and hope their mood improves or keep them active and hopefully the next harvest or craft will elevate their mood. There is quite a bit of luck involve in this.

How do I level up my sprite?
- Keep them busy with activities such as harvesting and crafting. A meter on the sprite's detail info page indicates their next "level up". When the bar is full you can talk to the sprite vendor in any capital city which will evolve your sprite to their next form. Tier 1 sprites will only have a head which means they cannot wear sprite costumes. Tier 2 sprites will have a body as well which unlocks the body costume.

I'm tired of my current sprite, can I change it?
Yes, you can set your sprite free into the wild by sacrificing them at a sprite king's altar. Note, be sure your sprite's XP bar is 3/4th full (at least 75%) before you sacrifice them to the sprite king. If the bar is too low you will be rated lowly and may recieve negative faction hits with the sprite messanger faction. You may also recieve an evaluation letter from the sprite king which evaluates how you treat your sprite. It may praise you or cide you depending on how you treat your sprite and give you gifts for your sacrifice. I think the higher your evaluation the higher the quality of the gifts. At around C rank it is composed of a bunch of green and white quality items. An "A" rank gift can include several greens and blue quality items as rewards.

My sprite is an epic fail in it's job, is there anyway to help ?
There is an item called Sprite King Blessing that guarantees your next sprite's crafting to be an instant success. Currently the only way to gain a Sprite King Blessing is thru the magic alchemy clay (a cash shop item). Sprite King Blessing 1 guarantees any items below level 30 to be crafted with 100% success. Sprite King Blessing 2 applies to lvl 45 and below while Sprite King Blessing 3 applies to level 60 and below. These items are very valuable, rare and hence very expensive.

Source : Kiddokun
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Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Prunelle Lun 11 Jan 2010, 22:36

D'après ce que je lis sur le forum officiel, il est conseillé de ne jamais laisser le sprite inoccupé, les pauvres, ils risqueraient de s'ennuyer.
Sur le wiki, j'avais lu l'inverse, il est écrit qu'il faut le faire bosser un peu, puis le laisser se reposer, et ainsi de suite.

Moi je dois avouer que je les fais travailler dur, je les envoies à la mine Smile

et vous vous faites comment avec vos sprites ?
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Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  Loud Mar 12 Jan 2010, 00:46


J'ai essayé les deux: au début je leur donnais toujours un truc a faire, mais maintenant je les laisse toujours récupérer complétement leur énergie, avant de leur faire faire quoi que ce soit, j'ai l'impression que ca marche mieux comme ça, mais ce n'est peut être qu'une impression.


Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2010

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

Message  HammerJoe Mer 20 Jan 2010, 00:32

J'ai moi aussi la même impression que Loud, j'essaie de faire attention à ce qu'ils récupèrent leur stamina. Je m'en sors un peu mieux ces derniers temps avec ces pleureuses Very Happy
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Messages : 334
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007
Age : 48
Localisation : titesbulles

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Sprites Empty Re: Sprites

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