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La mission de Noël

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La mission de Noël Empty La mission de Noël

Message  Prunelle Sam 29 Déc 2007, 04:37

avec les explications, ca va être plus facile Smile

Merry Christmas! We don't need even more stress doing this quest during the holiday season. If you don't want the experience ruined, don't read this post.

Step 1: Talk to the cook at the correct times
Time A: 17:00-19:59 game time (5am-7am NPC Time)
Time B: 23:00-01:59 game time (11am-1pm NPC Time)
Time C: 05:00-07:59 game time (5pm-7pm NPC Time)

Step 2: Take the cook's food to the gate keeper and give the correct case sensitive password
Password A: Waking insects And Pure Brightness
Password B: Grain And Slight heat
Password C: White And cold dew

Step 3: Kill Evil Santa Claus and his two minions.
-You'll be given very good stats for a melee class.
-Only party leader receives the prize.
-Suggested team of six, any level since you get super stats anyways.
1. Get 2 Swordman with Lash Out
2. Change to Hunter(any level), Sub Swordman for lash out. Get 1,500 arrows each.
3. Kill guards easily (it doesn't aggro santa)
4. One person uses lash out and attacks santa. Santa will be stun locked can can't melee you. His spells won't be able to kill you.
5. When person one almost runs out of lash out, player 2 activates lash out and continues the stun lock.
6. goto 4 until santa's dead.

Prize: Gift Bag
-Must have santa hat and santa suit on to redeem prize at NPC in EverSun Town Hall's gate.
-1 day cooldown after talking to npc and recieving random prize.
-So far have seen random items and materials such as 12 willow sticks or 2 candies. I just got 18 Cassiterite.

Repeat quest changing party leader until all recieve gift bag.

Skipped steps:
-Kill monsters, get super armor.
Suggested kill order:
1. Monkey for Spell casting Pants with Movement speed
2. Kill stone for high def armor
3. Kill Bull for high +max HP
4. Kill Bear for +atk

-Using super armor, kill Guards for passwords
---Need both halves of password.
---Need to match up letters (A1 and A2, B1 and B2, or C1 and C2)
---First half displays correct time to see cook.

Source Arrow http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=433230&sid=94236f1bfe98e9c752165d980de73fff
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Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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