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Domo Guide

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Domo Guide Empty Domo Guide

Message  Prunelle Mer 10 Oct 2007, 00:28

J'ai trouvé une présentation assez intéressante sur un forum
Arrow http://forum.mmosite.com/topics/262/200709/16/148,1.html?time=1191922632

About Dream of Mirror Online

Dream of Mirror is a free-to-play MMORPG (massive multi-player online role playing game) developed by Softstar, a leading brand in the Chinese video games industry, and has surpassed 400,000 registered users in Taiwan alone.

Players can choose between four races, six classes and six professions to gain experience through amazing quests and missions.

The game places a great deal of emphasis on teamwork through the strong human relationship system and the graphics provide contemporary 3D anime style with cell shading effects.

For further information, please visit the DOMO section on www.gametribe.com

About Softstar

SOFTSTAR is one of the leading brands in the Chinese video games industry. Founded in 1988, it has developed more than 100 popular video games. The company has recently started to authorize the use of their software on different platforms, such as consoles and cell phones.
About Gametribe.com, MMO portal of Game Media Networks
Game Media Networks was created to gather and develop the digital entertainment production activities destined to television, Internet and mobile platforms.
For further information, please visit the company website www.gamemedianetworks.com.

Gametribe is an innovative European MMOG Portal where players are be able to explore a whole new world of online entertainment and engage in building an amazing community.


Fate System (Human Relations)

• your relations to other players is determined on your birthday and your Chinese zodiac character when you first create your character.
• You will accumulate different type of relations, from your rival "Arch-enemy" to your "Hotel Love".
• There will be a special effect to inform you about when that special person comes near you.

Multiple Job Changing System (lit. Deep Job Change System)

• Once you reach level 10, you are allowed to complete job unlocking quests. You don't need to only choose one class, you are allowed to change to the different classes as many times as you want.
• When you change your job, your characters stats will be set to that jobs stats, so you can enjoy multiple jobs on one character.
• You are also allowed to use skills from other jobs called "Natural Skills" on any of your other jobs.

Crafting System (Life Skill System)

• There is no specific job specified for crafting, anybody can perform these tasks whenever they want!
• You can fish, harvest, lumberjack, herd animals, mine, etc.
• Materials collected by you can be crafted into useful equipment for your character.
• The quality of items crafted is varied on your crafting skill.
• These items can be freely sold at your bazaar stand.


• Well first of all, we need to go to a place which is north of the town. Right at the west end of the map, you'll see a frog king with wings. To defeat this guy, it is advised that you have a big party. (Recommended to have magic or at least good evasion) To defeat this frog boss, you need to plan it all out since he does hit hard for our level.

• After you defeat him, he'll give you green powder. You'll see this in your inventory. Head back to the town square, make sure you are level 15 and then talk to this guy He'll give you the flying sword, in the one of the icon tabs you'll see it as the 2nd icon on the 2nd row:
Then drag your item, place it into the slot that converts it into a flying item. Go to a place with a ring and it has blue stars coming out and land there.


•Players can have a guild if they have a 6 members team. The maximum number of members for a guild depends on the level of that guild. The level of a guild only affects the maximum number of members and storage spaces of the guild; it also affects the acceptable mission for guilds.

•Players must be level 20 or higher to join a guild.

•They will have a guild house, and a guild warehouse where all members can store items. When the players have successfully established guilds, The guild system will also add new private union chat channels, dedicated union missions and warehouses.

•The leader of a guild will be the person whom is also the leader of the team in the beginning when the guild associated. But after that the leader can hand over the leadership to anyone anytime.


• Strength - increases attack power, as well as your combo.
• Con - increases HP, and a little bit of defense + attack.
• Wisdom - increases magic power, mp, and mp recovery rate.
• Agility - increases attack power also but by a bit only, dodge rate, and skills cool-down.
• Hit - accuracy and critical hit rate, even for magic
• End - increases DEF

Pet Quest

Click to see the original picture

Click to see the original picture

Reach level 20 then Follow these Steps
• Head North from the City
• Go to the Grave Yard at the Top right Corner of your map
• Go into the Grave Yard until you reach the staircase & before you go down talk to the NPC toward your Left.
• He will teleported you into a battle mode. (Note: Everybody must be in the same place)

The Pet Quest

• Your are give Orders to Protect a pig that can die easily
• They send out 4 Zombie at a time about 3 times. So protect the pig
• Go back to the NPC when your done. You will get a Pet gold coin as Reward.
• Head to the Pet Build in Town, which is located around the armor store. Pass the Clothing store on the Left hand side
• Click the machine & pull the handle to get a Pet. The pets are selected at random
• The pet will come in a Egg Form. The Egg will Share your Exp. Get the Egg to LvL 10 then go back to the Pet Store & talk to the NPC.
• Buy an evolution stone
• Then talk to the NPC again and your pet will grow.

Note:• When your Pet died it cost money to resurrect.
• Pet will not heal itself or restore its MP, u need musician skill to heal and restore your pet's mp, and buff.

Human: Courageous and travel everywhere, make close friends aroud the world.

The Races

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Click to see the original picture

The most representable characteristic of the Human is it¡¯s diversity and balanced capabilities. In other words, they are just ordinary. However, a proverb says, "Greatness exists in the inconspicuous and overlooked details". Therefore really great men usually choose the Human ethnic group.

With huge potential, the Human is accomplished in every field. They tend to follow the trends to reveal their similarities, but forget about the fact that no two individuals are the same. This is why the human race is the most ironic existence of the four ethnic groups.

With even performance for all attributes, the Human is suitable for all occupations. They mainly reside in the Changyang city, which is familiar to the players of "Swdol Online" I. The Changyang city is a traditional Chinese city. The huge Zhang Heng seismograph in the city is the touring spot that first time visitors definitely can?t miss.

Origin: STR: 6 PHY: 5 WIS: 5 AGI: 5 DEX: 5 STA: 5

Click to see the original picture

Click to see the original picture

The Felin race is an ethnic group designed based on the "Tocharian" in ancient Chinese myth. The Felin emphasizes on power, therefore male Felin look ferocious and female Felin look seductive. The Felin race tend to solve disputes with disputes. Adopting an eye for an eye may be a drawback, but it can be an efficient way to solve problems.

Since the Felin is an aggressive race, they emphasize a lot on power and love fighting; they surrender to greater powers as well. A long time ago, the number of Felin race was sharply reduced from their killing each other. Later a human being defeated all top Felin fighters under the rule that the winner gets to lead. This stopped the Felin race from killing each other. That human being also established the monster buster sword school.

The Felin emphasizes on the power and life value, they are therefore very suitable for front line occupations. The Felin mainly reside in the industrial and mining center, the peacock night valley. There are various mining and welding zones in the valley, which is a prosperous industrial center.

Origin: STR: 6 PHY: 5 WIS: 5 AGI: 5 DEX: 5 STA: 5

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Click to see the original picture

The soft Sylph tends to apply their wisdom. They emphasize on knowledge and skills and don?t like to use violence. They have handsome and elegant outlooks and are proud of it. However, their lack-of-exercise bodies usually have bad performance in the occasions that need body strength. Besides, the overly arrogant Sylph sometimes is very hard to please.

With great wisdom and the emphases on knowledge and skills, there are many accomplished people in the heaven race. However, due to their arrogance, the Sylph don?t care about others, many of them reside in remote areas. That?s why there is only a small number of Sylphs.

Since the Sylph emphasizes on the value of wisdom and spiritual energy but has weak bodies, they are therefore more suitable for backup occupations. The Sylph resides in the MightySpiritTown. This beautiful town was built on the lake; the wooden bridges of different sizes connect various structures. Being a scene as pretty as a poem, it is truly the most aesthetic hometown of Sylph!

Origin: STR: 6 PHY: 5 WIS: 5 AGI: 5 DEX: 5 STA: 5

Click to see the original picture

Click to see the original picture

The mirror race is also called the Sprite. In the Kunlun Mirror world, the Sprite was originally created to help mirror kings. Because they are small and cute, the mirror kings also allow the visitors to be embodied as the Sprite. The Sprite is small and quick. They are modest and dedicated to serving people. Like kids in other races, they are not good at combat, but they have excellent performance on many non-combat related gifts. However, although everyone likes the Sprite, their perfectionism sometimes brings people bad headaches.

The Sprite emphasizes on the nimble attribute and possesses many life skills. They have better luck as well. Therefore they are suitable for assistant type occupations. The Sprite don?t have main residential areas like other races, they are scattered in the towns of other races, just like the gypsies or nomads in the real world.

Origin: STR: 6 PHY: 5 WIS: 5 AGI: 5 DEX: 5 STA: 5


PVP : http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1132295
Game Trailers: http://video.mmosite.com/game_vm.php?gid=604



I hope this Information is Helpfull & i would love to have a Beta Key Please. you can Email me at:BlackDDog at Hotmail.com
Sage rêveur

Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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