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Patch - Halloween surprise!!!

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Patch - Halloween surprise!!! Empty Patch - Halloween surprise!!!

Message  Prunelle Mer 15 Oct 2008, 22:17

Happy Halloween Dreamers!

The Great Pumpkin dropped by and left a surprise!


on all the Kash-store items (except goodie bags)

but that's not all:

* you can undertake the Halloween Quest in Eversun

and you can find three brand new kind of goodie-bags:

* Halloween Goodie Bag (male) - Jack's clothes (perma), Jack's Pumpkin Headdress (perma), Flying Broom (perma), Bat-like Headdress(perma), Wings of shadow (perma), One-eye Pumpkin Headgear (perma), Skeleton Pumpkin headgear (perma), Evilness Pumpkin Headgear (perma), Mummy Pumpkin Headgear (perma), Lucky Pumpkin Headgear (perma), plus various kind of temporary masks (7 days) and generic goods as minor dimensional rifts, pills fireworks and more!

* Halloween Goodie Bag (female) - Witch costume (perma), Witch Hat (perma), Flying Broom (perma), Bat-like Headdress(perma), Wings of shadow (perma), Rose Witch Hat (perma), Bone Witch Hat (perma), Bloody Witch Hat (perma), Cobweb Witch Hat (perma), Big-eyes Pumpkin Headgear (perma) plus various kind of temporary masks (7 days) and generic goods as minor dimensional rifts, pills fireworks and more!

* Leotard Goodie Bag - Leotard (perma), plus springs, teleports, vault vortex (45 days), hair dyes, pills and much more!

* Black Bunny Goodie Bag (female) - Black Bunny Costume (perma), Black Bunny Headgear (perma), plus springs, teleports, vault vortex (45 days), hair dyes, pills and much more!
Sage rêveur

Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Patch - Halloween surprise!!! Empty Re: Patch - Halloween surprise!!!

Message  Prunelle Jeu 16 Oct 2008, 12:42

Halloween comes to DOMO.

Ghouls, Ghosts and copious amounts of candy are on offer in the latest update to Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) as Halloween gets underway.

Take part in a brand new Halloween Trick or Treat Quest, pick up a Special Halloween Goodiebag or just enjoy 20% off in the games Item store for a whole week as the spooky season rolls into Eversun.

Amongst the items on offer in these amazing Halloween Goodiebags are Pumpkins costumes for the boys and Witches outfits for the girls (both come complete with Broom) along with:

* Masquerade, Clown, Gas and tons of other Masks
* Scapegoat Dolls
* A selection of cool Pills (Shorty, Midget, Hulk, etc)
* Some cool Fireworks

Try your luck now as these special items are included only in the limited time Halloween Goodie Bags.

Also don’t miss out on the brand new Regular Goodiebags now on offer in the shop that come with some great permanent costumes such as the Playboy Bunny costumes for the girls and Leotards for the guys.
Sage rêveur

Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Patch - Halloween surprise!!! Empty Re: Patch - Halloween surprise!!!

Message  Prunelle Jeu 16 Oct 2008, 12:47

J'ai déposé quelques masques dans le coffre de guilde Smile
servez vous !
Sage rêveur

Messages : 915
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2007


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Patch - Halloween surprise!!! Empty Re: Patch - Halloween surprise!!!

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